devotion with reiki

Reiki has a special place in my heart and I am committed to continuing the path of sharing and teaching Reiki. Reiki has been one of my anchors both in times of goodness and in times of crisis and stress. Now, as I’ve spent weeks in the hospital, supporting the healing of my nephew, I am so grateful for all the tools I carry that bring forward healing. I come back to my Reiki practice again and again and I find that it has a way of opening my heart to deeper layers of compassion for myself and others, even in the most difficult times, I can sink into my practice and find space for compassion—in spite of feeling anger, frustration, worry and doubt. It brings a calm over me and any situation I face.

It’s not easy to explain what it is. It even feels strange to use it at times, in different settings where it’s clearly not acceptable, like in a hospital— or even perhaps scoffed at in a way as something insignificant and unscientific. I pay no mind to the non-believers as Reiki has the ability to transform situations, people, objects even… many things, beyond the limitations of our mind, magic happens. I have seen it time and time again!

Reiki is translated to mean ‘universal life force energy.’ Mrs. Takata, known as the person who brought Reiki to the West from Japan stated that it was “God light, cosmic force” likening it to a radio transmitter that when tuned to the proper frequency, anyone can tap into it and use it for benefits of healing—she said that it was not a technique or a tool, “Reiki just is.” It does require an open mind, an open heart and a willingness to lean into our imagination as the energy is subtle, so subtle that it is almost undetectable—until we begin to raise our awareness, use it, meditate with it, practice placing our hands on our body, inviting Reiki to begin guiding our lives, and we begin to transform ourselves, with the subtle energy that is Reiki.

As a part of my devotional practice, I am offering a 6 month course entitled Reiki Path to Mastery beginning on August 1st for a reduced cost. This course is offered through my nonprofit, Luna y Sol Sanctuary. Follow the link for the registration and more information on the course by visiting the Luna y Sol Sanctuary website. On July 15th at 3pm, I am hosting an informational session so you can learn more about the Reiki Path to Mastery course program. Email me for more information.


Dr. Laura L. Luna (Dr. Ana) is an Indigenous Wellness Practitioner with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology (2014), an M.A. in Psychology (2007), & a B.A . in Psychology with a minor in Spanish (2004). She is a Certified Yoga Teacher (RYT 500 HR), Holy Fire Karuna ®Reiki Master Teacher (2012). She is an initiate into the Munay-Ki Shamanic Healing Arts & trained in Ayurvedic Counseling. She is also an IHS SACRED Practitioner, an energy management technique to promote wellness.

She is currently the Founder & President of Luna y Sol Sanctuary (501c3)a nonprofit designed to provide holistic healing services to underserved communities.

She was born in Banning, CA and raised in San Bernardino, CA. Her parents were born in Barstow, Ca & Aguililla, Michoacán, Mexico. Her grandparents are from Jalisco, Zacatecas, & Michoacán, Mexico. She is Xicana & reclaiming her Indigenous heritage as Chichimeca/Purépecha, original peoples of the Americas. Dr. Luna currently resides between California & Nevada. She is a social justice activist currently working on land back movements alongside Indigenous tribal communities that are returning to their role as original stewards of the land. She is also inspired by Indigenous lead food sovereignty projects that promote sustainability and regenerative practices for the people, water & the land. She is a published author in topics of wellness, education & mental health (journal articles, book chapters & a book is on the way).

Her favorite things to do are be outside in nature with her husky dog, observe and gather plants for medicinal use; she loves food, music, and sitting around the sacred fire for connection, community & personal growth.

“When we Heal Ourselves, We Heal the World!” “In Lak’ech hala ken”

For more information or consultation please visit Dr. Luna on the web: &

The gift of surrendering