The gift of surrendering

Letting yourself surrender is a gift.

Give Gratitude. Allow and Release.

For over 10 years, I have been intentionally practicing gratitude. I’ve taught counseling clients in severe depression, to use this practice as a way to shift mood and vibration. I’ve used it myself when feeling down and unable to get myself out of negative thought patterns—gratitude.

Ask yourself, what am I grateful for? Make a list. Look around in nature. Observe the natural mechanisms the body is responsible for without us having to even think about it. Say it out loud.

I am grateful for ….

I feel gratitude for …..

I choose to be grateful for….I am living in deep gratitude for each opportunity I have to …

When we are at a place of rock bottom in our lives, in our emotions, our state of mind—spiritually, it’s hard to find gratitude, trust me, I know. With the simple practice of gratitude, we can shift our attitude and mood. If ever so subtle, the vibrational shift is there. With each gratitude, the vibrations increase.

Allowing ourselves to feel what we feel is just as important. Perseverating on specific thoughts can be a result of damage to the brain or trauma which gives us an extra challenge—shifting our thoughts can feel impossible. Remember that lesson in Buddhism teaching us that not nothing is permanent, everything is impermanent; meaning nothing lasts forever—therefore nothing can be held onto.

Allowing ourselves to be, to feel, to go with the flow of changes that is our lives—is a gift.

Surrendering is a relief, a letting go, releasing tension, allowing space for what is, to be what it is.

It’s not easy to surrender—it may be uncomfortable. Isn’t it more painful to push against something, clinging and holding onto something that we know is better left behind? How does it feel to go against the stream? Resistance? Going with the flow of nature is the path of least resistance.

When it’s time, we surrender and let go of the old ways of being, of things that don’t serve us, of things we attach to and cling to because we are used to it, or afraid to be without it—in all of it, surrendering is a deep gift we give ourselves.

In the flow of this New Moon energy, we set intentions for new motions, for new growth, for new perspectives, for new ways of being and relating. In making space for new growth, we clear the path of the old, clearing space for the new harvest to blossom.

Give yourself the gift of surrendering with grace and ease.


Dr. Laura L. Luna (Dr. Ana) is an Indigenous Wellness Practitioner with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology (2014), an M.A. in Psychology (2007), & a B.A . in Psychology with a minor in Spanish (2004). She is a Certified Yoga Teacher (RYT 500 HR), Holy Fire Karuna ®Reiki Master Teacher (2012). She is an initiate into the Munay-Ki Shamanic Healing Arts & trained in Ayurvedic Counseling. She is also an IHS SACRED Practitioner, an energy management technique to promote wellness.

She is currently the Founder & President of Luna y Sol Sanctuary (501c3)a nonprofit designed to provide holistic healing services to underserved communities.

She was born in Banning, CA and raised in San Bernardino, CA. Her parents were born in Barstow, Ca & Aguililla, Michoacán, Mexico. Her grandparents are from Jalisco, Zacatecas, & Michoacán, Mexico. She is Xicana & reclaiming her Indigenous heritage as Chichimeca/Purépecha, original peoples of the Americas. Dr. Luna currently resides between California & Nevada. She is a social justice activist currently working on land back movements alongside Indigenous tribal communities that are returning to their role as original stewards of the land. She is also inspired by Indigenous lead food sovereignty projects that promote sustainability and regenerative practices for the people, water & the land. She is a published author in topics of wellness, education & mental health (journal articles, book chapters & a book is on the way).

Her favorite things to do are be outside in nature with her husky dog, observe and gather plants for medicinal use; she loves food, music, and sitting around the sacred fire for connection, community & personal growth.

“When we Heal Ourselves, We Heal the World!” “In Lak’ech hala ken”

For more information or consultation please visit Dr. Luna on the web: &

devotion with reiki


the medicine of hope